EcoSchools: West Springs School

Calgary, 2021 - 2022 School Year

We were thrilled to welcome West Springs School to the growing EcoSchools network in Alberta. They achieved  Bronze Certification in their first year participating! 

Students on the green team took part in the EcoSchools actions such as Sorting your Waste, Vermicomposting and School-Based Composting, Repurposing and Innovative Recycling as well as Take Me Outside Day!  

Sorting Waste: 

With resources from GreenCalgary, students took on the task of completing a school-wide waste assessment. It was a smelly activity!

Environmental Literacy:

At West Springs School, students deepened student environmental literacy by learning IN, ABOUT, FOR and FROM the environment by engaging in activities about respecting and appreciating the natural world. 

Below is a picture of a student weeding planter boxes to make room for new plants.

School Based Composting:

One of the Grade 4 classes received funding from the Learning for a Sustainable Future Action Project to purchase a FoodCycler. Here is the hallway bulletin board showcasing how this indoor composter works. 

EcoSchools provides teachers with a framework to engage their students and the entire school community in action-based learning around environmental sustainability and climate solutions. Schools create customized action plans by selecting from more than 50 available actions relating to a range of sustainability topics including nature and biodiversity, energy, waste, water, and food. Learn more about how your school can get involved in the growing sustainability movement.

Thank you to West Springs School for the use of the photos and writing contributions for the development of this story.