These are the resources for teaching environmental education to K to 12 students and other audiences. Use the filters on the left to refine your search.

Orange Marks the Spot is a series of 6 lessons, each about an hour in length, that are designed to introduce students ages 5-12 to orienteering. Skills covered in the...



Take Me Outside has a directory of resources about outdoor...



This toolkit supports practitioners who encourage children’s outdoor play. It takes a balanced approach to risk...



Evergreen provides lesson plans for K-12 students on climate, conservation, and outdoor activities, and...



The Into Nature guide from Back to Nature Network contains helpful tips on how to start an...



Ever Active Schools uses the Comprehensive School Health framework to support schools, providing professional development opportunities, lesson plans and other resources, and an EAS in residence...



The Alberta Education competencies: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Managing Information, Creativity and Innovation, Communication, Collaboration, Cultural and Global Citizenship, and Personal Growth and Well-being all provide excellent...



Add your class to the Junior Water Walkers! Use the activity ideas in the four pillars: Connect, Reflect, Respect, and Protect, and then commit to protecting...



BioKits are interactive activity books that can be printed and taken with your class on any outing in the community or natural parks!...



The Indigenous Games for Children Resource is a collection of traditional Indigenous games and activities to help introduce or reconnect...



AdventureSmart is a great resource to help teach students about outdoor trip preparation. The website includes guides, checklists, and a fun online game! You can also request an outdoor...



Toronto Outdoor Education Schools has put together a searchable database of outdoor education activities for all grades and subject areas. 



This innovative and vibrant resource honours the centuries-old healing traditions of Métis women. Christi Belcourt fuses her artwork with Indigenous Traditional Knowledge and western science. The book includes contributions from Métis Elders Rose...



The Earth Rangers Clubs program is made up of elementary school-age students and educators, who have committed to taking action in helping animals and the environment. We have created a free and easy to use...



SHAPE provides online guides to help develop walk-to-school programs for your community school. 



Classroom Resources includes online dissection alternatives, Animal Cams, and the Five Needs of animals video series. 




Five Minute Field Trips Volumes I and II are activity guides that are full of simple and fun outdoor games and activities that you can do right out your back door. 



The Alberta Hunter Education Instructors' Association provides free, downloadable and printable workbooks and videos for all ages on a variety of topics, including:




Nature Alive Adventures provides customizable outdoor experiences right to your school parking lot or to an outdoor space near you. They provide instruction in outdoor skills (e.g....