AYLEE Events

June 1, 2022

The Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education have been awarded the 2022 Emerald Award in the Youth Legacy category! This award recognizes people, 25 years of age and under, who have made...

November 5-7, 2021

The 2021 Environmental Education and Climate Action Summit was an opportunity for youth across the province to learn about the environment, energy, and climate change; connect with like-minded...

May 11, 2021 

AYLEE  hosted their third and final event for this school year titled "Educating for the Future: Building a Sustainable Alberta!" They shared an introduction to the science behind and impacts of climate...

April 20, 2021

AYLEE  hosted their second event titled "Educating for the Future: Building a Sustainable Alberta!" They shared why they believe environmental and climate change education is needed and their vision...

April 10, 2021

AYLEE members gathered virtually to plan for the upcoming two months and learn. They were joined by guest speakers Trerry Lin Fedorus, who walked them through a Talking Circle and shared resources for...

March 25, 2021

AYLEE hosted their first event titled "Educating for the Future: Building a Sustainable Alberta!" They shared why they believe environmental and climate change education is needed and their vision for ...

February 6, 2021

13 AYLEE members met to flesh out their ideas for creating change over the next few months. It was an incredibly productive day with a lot of brainstorming, goals being set, and plans being made....

November 7-8, 2020

AYLEE met virtually for a Summit. During the Summit, they

  • learned about and discussed advocacy, what it means to be a leader, and the importance of youth voice;
  • discussed the...

February 22, 2020

9 AYLEE members met for a day-long writing retreat in Calgary to update the 2016 “...

October 25-26, 2019 

25 AYLEE students from across Alberta met in Canmore for a Summit. During the summit, they participated in team building exercises, learned about advocacy, the importance of communication, and...

November 29, 2018

Students went on a tour of the Alberta Legislature, learning about the structure of Alberta’s provincial government. Students also met with the Chief of Staff to the Minister of Energy and asked...

November 8, 2018

AYLEE met in Edmonton for a Summit to learn about leadership, advocacy, and the importance of youth voice. Following the summit, students reported feeling that they had support and a community all...